CR 11 30, Relief Society (1842- ). Louise Y. Robison papers 1928-1939
Related Entities
There are 4 Entities related to this resource.
McKay, David O. (David Oman), 1873-1970 (person)
McKay served in Quorum of the Twelve, 1906-1934; as counselor in First Presidency, 1934-1951; and as President of the Church, 1951-1970. From the guide to the MS 8524 David O. Mckay addresses and papers circa 1906-1970 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Church History Library) Mormon businessman in Logan, Utah. From the guide to the Joseph Morrell letters received, 1883-1906, (L. Tom Perry Special Collections) Apostle of the Mormon church. ...
Gates, Susa Young, 1856-1933 (person)
Daughter of Brigham Young. From the guide to the MS 8884 Susa Young Gates collection 1852-1951 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Church History Library) Susa Young Gates, a daughter of Brigham Young, was the author of a dozen books, the founder of many regional and national women's organizations, editor, poetess, musician, woman suffragette, and the mother of 13 children. She founded and edited the "Young Women's Journal" and the "Relief Society Magazine." She or...
Robison, Sarah Louisa Yates 1866-1946 (person)
Relief Society (1842- ) (corporateBody)
Mary Ellen Smoot served as Relief Society general president from 1997-2002. Prior to this she served with her husband as directors of Church Hosting Services under the Public Affairs Department from 1993-1997. She also served with her husband while he was president of the Ohio Columbus Mission from 1983-1984 and Ohio Akron Mission from 1984-1986. From the guide to the CR 11 349 Mary Ellen Smoot records 1869-2005 (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Church History Library) ...